Friday, May 14, 2010

oh Puisi...

Aku ingin bisa bikin puisi
Yang romantis dan menggugah hati
Menulis lancar tanpa henti
Entah kenapa aku nggak bisa bikin puisi


Tentang Salip Menyalip

by Dimas A. Kodri

bukan karena lebih saya rupawan si manis ini ada di sebelah saya

lirik kanan liri kiri...
bukan pula karena lebih mapan saya berani meminta tangannya

menerawang 360 derajat...
bukan karena tak tahu diri saya dekati ia sebelum kamu

karena itulah hidup
yang cepat peluangnya lebih besar
bukan berarti aku tak gundah terhadapmu

tapi kamu pun akan mengerti
dan kamu pun akan melakukan

dan suatu saat kamu pun akan celingak-celinguk
itulah hidup

Untuk Teman

by marcobay

Pernah ada Gadis.
Tapi tak kusapa.
Teman lihat lebih dulu.

Lalu ada Perempuan.
Tak lebih dua tiga pertemuan.
Teman suka dia.

Lantas muncul Wanita.
Tak jua jadi.
Teman lebih sayang.

Sekarang dia datang.
Teman..kali ini
Aku duluan.

bahasa pertama manusia



happy mother's day :-)


She is the Evil

written by Nadia

she is the toxin
she will say all the negative things to turn you down
cause she envies you
while she lack of confidence
so, she’s looking for justification
to claim that she is superior

she is the witch
not Harry potter kind of witch
but Snow White kind of witch
witch who looks good, but with a wicked heart

she looks good outside
and that trickery look
will deceive you

cause in the modern age
evil won’t looks like an evil
evil will hide in the luscious words

bite by bite
the words will sublime into your skin
following the path of your blood
goes into your heart
and demolish you from the inside

she can’t be beaten
cause you don’t have the magic wand
you could only run
or hide

and hide, I’d choosed

hide from her voice
I’ll close my ears
and let she spills all those unmotivated words
and not letting even one word influences me

cause she is the evil
and I’m the strong one

and GOD knows who’s the good one
He just know

have faith and you’ll be fine
and let the evil witch goes to hell

watch your mouth

words come from the mouth
up into the air as the medium
it was meant to go to somebody else's ears
but that somebody only hears what they want to hear

it's not easy being an ear
you have to put up with something you don't like
but ears don't have any right to decide, they only do what the brains tell them to do

it's easy being a mouth
you can blabber anything you want
even sometimes the brain cannot stop the mouth

it's easy to be a smooth talker
it's not easy being a good listener

use your mouth too much, you will likely get into troubles
use your ears properly, and you will surely get the benefits of it

Balikpapan, 07/05/2010
Inspired by John Mayer's "My Stupid Mouth"
